Can You Have Your Phone In Rehab? Pros & Cons

If you want to know if you can have your phone in rehab, this is the article for you! Most people aren’t sure what to expect when they first call or walk into an addiction treatment program, especially regarding cell phones and other rules. This brief article explains if you can have your cell phone in rehab, the pros and cons of cell phone usage in addiction treatment, and the benefits of following the rules and policies of rehab.
Some drug and alcohol rehabs allow clients to carry their phones on them at all times and believe having your phone doesn't change the outcome of rehabilitation, while others might completely disagree and restrict phone usage and only offer landlines.

Can You Have Your Phone In Rehab?

Yes, most drug rehabs allow clients to bring their cell phones with them. However, most of them also require clients to check their phones with their staff, where they’ll be kept or stored safely and allowed access at certain times. The goal isn’t to prevent you from talking to friends or family but to keep your attention focused on the treatment program. Phones can already be a major distraction for people at work, school, or even home when they have responsibilities, tasks, or chores to complete.

Some drug and alcohol rehabs allow clients to carry their phones on them at all times and believe having your phone doesn’t change the outcome of rehabilitation, while others might completely disagree and restrict phone usage and only offer landlines. Some centers might restrict phone usage based on the type of treatment you’re receiving. For example, the detox phase of treatment can be intense and require 24-hour supervision, while 90-day outpatient treatment programs can be more relaxed and flexible.

No rehab center should ever strip clients of their personal freedoms, creature comforts, or communication outlets; their goal is usually the exact opposite. However, every rehab center has its own rules and policies, and it’s best to call ahead and ask about their specific policies and what to expect. Remember that whatever the phone rules are for clients at an addiction treatment center, the clinical staff will still update your family or spouse with updates, progress reports, and urgencies.

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Yes, most drug rehabs allow clients to bring their cell phones with them.

Pros Of Cell Phones In Rehab

The pros of being able to use your cell phone in rehab include:

  • Communication with family and friends: Studies show that social connection and support play an important part in addiction treatment and recovery. While it’s up to the individual about whom they can contact, it’s beneficial to keep in touch with supportive and positive family members and friends who love them and can encourage them to keep going if they’re feeling doubtful.
  • Comfort: Some rehab centers can feel like stereotypical institutions, with limited access to the ‘outside world.’ Restricting clients’ phone use can make them feel isolated and disconnected from what’s happening around them. Allowing clients to keep their cell phones makes them and their family members feel comfortable that they’re being taken care of and are benefiting from treatment. However, this depends on whether the client already has a support system.

Cons Of Cell Phones In Rehab

The cons of having unrestricted access to a cell phone in rehab include:

  • Negative influences: Drugs are usually sold through illegal dealers and distributors, and it’s not uncommon to have their numbers or contact information saved on a phone. Unrestricted cell phone access can allow individuals to reach out to friends or strangers who sell drugs to secure a purchase once they leave rehab. Minimizing cell phone usage can help clients avoid these negative pressures and influences.
  • Worsened co-occurring disorders: It’s common for those in drug rehab to have co-occurring mental health disorders. Studies found that social media actually worsens mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This can impact an individual’s ability to focus on treatment as social media can advertise or subtly normalize alcohol and drug use.
  • Limited focus on yourself: Cell phones are usually used beyond phone calls and text messages, allowing access to almost every public source of information. One of the biggest benefits of limited phone use is sitting back and being mindful of you and your needs. Social media and the internet can also set unrealistic and high expectations if you’re reading about other people’s experiences with recovery or rehab. It’s best to be physically and mentally present at a treatment center.
  • Distraction: One study found that most people spend over three hours on their phone and check it around 58 times daily. Some addiction centers offer more than individual and group therapy discussions, such as adventure therapy, art therapy, and mindfulness-based therapies. A cell phone ringing, vibrating, or making any noise can distract you and those around you.
. Some addiction centers offer more than individual and group therapy discussions, such as adventure therapy, art therapy, and mindfulness-based therapies. A cell phone ringing, vibrating, or making any noise can distract you and those around you.

Benefits Of Following Drug Rehab Rules

Following the rules of drug rehab, such as policies on phone usage, internet access, or visits, can benefit anyone who wants comprehensive and caring addiction treatment. These policies are set to ensure the success of everyone who enters rehab and the safety of those around them. Some individuals might use their unrestricted phone access to have drugs or alcohol brought to the treatment center itself, putting the health and recovery process of everyone else in treatment in jeopardy.

The primary objective of drug rehabilitation is to support individuals in overcoming challenging substance use disorders while minimizing external influences that may hinder their progress. For those who prefer using phones or tablets for reading, we suggest bringing along a few books, as many treatment centers offer lounge areas equipped with televisions, board games, cards, and various indoor activities. Additionally, some centers provide outdoor activities such as volleyball, basketball, or excursions to keep clients motivated and engaged.

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Contact East Coast Recovery Center

If you or someone you know wants to know more about drug rehab in Boston, MA, contact East Coast Recovery Center. Our addiction treatment center is the perfect place to overcome substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions.

We value complete transparency with our clients and their families, and when you call or email, our admissions staff will let you know our cell phone rules and other policies, so you know what to expect and if we are a good suit for you. Don’t let addiction rule your life. Call today and find true wellness and meaning.

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