If you or someone close to you is struggling with substance abuse, you have two main options when it comes to your programs: inpatient or outpatient. Among the categories of outpatient, you might see an Partial Day treatment program or Partial Day Treatment Program. But how long is Partial Day treatment? And how do you know if it’s the right program for you?
Outpatient vs. Inpatient Treatment
Substance abuse treatment programs are considered inpatient or outpatient.
- Inpatient: Inpatient programs are where you reside at the treatment center, you are under 24-hour supervision, and you have the most intense level of full-time care.
- Outpatient: Outpatient programs have several levels all of which are designed to give you some level of flexibility so that you can receive treatment without compromising professional or personal obligations.
Within the category of outpatient programs, one that is comparable in the results and outcome is an Partial Day program.
What is an Intensive Outpatient Treatment Plan?
Intensive outpatient programs allow you to participate in a part-time program where you visit your treatment center for around 3-4 days, for a few hours per day. During that time, you can participate in your:
- Individual therapy sessions
- Group therapy sessions
- Family therapy sessions
- Skill development
- Support groups
This is more flexible than a residential or Day Treatment program because you don’t have to be at your treatment center every single day of the week nor do you have to live at the treatment center. It’s also more flexible because you can choose to participate in your individual and group therapy sessions in mornings, afternoons, or evenings around any other obligations you might have like work or school.
Is an Partial Day Treatment Program a Good Choice?
Studies indicate that Partial Day Treatment Programs are just as effective as residential treatment but with more flexibility. Though it is proven to be effective and comparable to residential treatment, it’s important to determine whether or not you are a good fit. You can consider Partial Day Treatment Program if:
- You want something that gives you actionable information and support beyond weekly support groups
- You have a safe and stable home with viable transportation to get to and from your treatment center
- You need therapy and skill development on a part-time basis
- You have already completed a residential or Day Treatment program and want to transition down to the next level
- You have completed a traditional outpatient program but need to transition up to something with more support
- You want something more affordable than inpatient programs
- You want to be closer to your friends and family as opposed to inpatient programs, which pull you away from them
For those who are unable to leave work or school obligations for several weeks at a time, Partial Day programs can be a great treatment plan. They even work well for people who are able to apply things like vacation days or other time off to free up a few days each week.
In order for your Partial Day program to be most successful you’ll need to attend your sessions regularly and comply with support group meetings.
Your ability to comply and participate in all of your regularly scheduled sessions has a big impact on answers to questions like “How long is Partial Day treatment?”
How Long is Intensive Outpatient Treatment?
The length of your Partial Day treatment is based on individual needs. In general Partial Day programs will span anywhere between two weeks and 2 months. The average is 3 weeks.
However, you can change the length of your treatment based on the progress that you make, especially if you are transitioning up or down from other levels of care.
Get Help Today with a Boston-based Partial Day Treatment Program
Our team can help you verify your insurance and determine whether an Partial Day program is the right program length for you. It is important to remember that addiction is a chronic condition, and recovery is best when you have a team there who can help you prepare for your lifelong change.
At East Coast Recovery Center, our goal is to give you the skills you need to avoid a relapse and that includes access to individual therapy, mindfulness meditation practices, family therapy, treatment programs, or adventure therapy.
We work with you to ensure that the length of your program fits your needs, where you are in your recovery or sobriety, what your history with substance abuse has been, and whether you have any co-occurring disorders.
Call us at (617) 744-7373 to learn more about our Partial Day programs or check out our online resources today to learn more.