Ativan is a type of anti-anxiety medication used to help treat anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Although prescribed medications like these can be a safe and effective way to treat certain mental health symptoms, it’s critical to realize that even prescription medications can be addictive over long-term use. In this article, you’ll learn more about Ativan’s potential for addiction and the common signs you may be struggling with addiction below.
At East Coast Recovery Center, we are a leading recovery center in Massachusetts that provides personalized addiction treatment. Each addict’s road to recovery is uniquely different. That’s why our expert team provides tailored support to ensure you receive the right care for your unique recovery needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your recovery journey.
What Is Ativan?
Before diving into the question “is Ativan addictive” it’s important to understand what Ativan is. As briefly discussed above, Ativan is a type of antianxiety medication, that can be prescribed to help treat symptoms ranging from anxiety, insomnia, depression, and even muscle spasms. The drug specifically works as a depressant to slow down your brain’s activity, which can help to ultimately calm your mind and lower feelings of stress and anxiety.
Because Ativan is a depressant, it can not only help to lower symptoms of anxiety but may even cause other depressant side effects like drowsiness and fatigue. While Ativan can be an effective medication when used as prescribed, it’s also important to understand and talk with your doctor about the potential long-term side effects of the medication.
Why Is Ativan Addictive & Common Signs and Symptoms
Therefore, is Ativan addictive? The answer is: yes. While Ativan is a safe and effective medication that can treat symptoms like anxiety or insomnia, it’s critical to understand the long-term risks involved, even if using this medication as prescribed.
During long-term use, your body can first start to grow a tolerance for the medication. In other words, as you take your medication as prescribed, your body will begin to adapt to consuming the drug, and expect more of it to experience the desired effect. For example, you may find that your original dosage isn’t as effective in improving your symptoms.
Your body will then begin to develop a physical dependency on the drug after long-term use. This is when your body adapts and begins to expect to consume the medication. If you begin to develop a dependency on the medication, you may find you experience adverse physical and/or psychological effects if you try and go off your medication. For example, you may experience physical withdrawal symptoms or a worsening of your anxiety symptoms, especially if you stop taking your Ativan prescription without consulting with your doctor.
Therefore, while Ativan is an effective medication that can be prescribed to help symptoms like anxiety, it’s critical you talk with your doctor about long-term use and alternatives as you can develop a dependency on the drug after long-term use.
Below are some common signs and symptoms you may be struggling with an addiction;
- Cravings or an inability to stop abusing a drug
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you try and stop using
- Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed
- Negative consequences like change in behavior or mental health
- Needing more of the drug/medication to experience the desired effect
Help Is Available
Now you know more about is Ativan addictive, and signs you may be struggling with a drug addiction. Although Ativan can be a safe and effective medication when used as prescribed by your doctor, it’s important to understand the potential risks. This is why it’s important if you have questions or concerns to talk with your doctor, and potentially discuss other long-term alternatives.
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, help is available. Our compassionate team of addiction specialists and mental health professionals are here to provide you with the individualized care you need to safely break free from the chains of addiction. You should never have to feel afraid or ashamed to ask for help in leading a healthier, happier quality of life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your recovery journey.