3 Reasons Why Addicts Relapse When Things Are Good

recovering alcoholic staring at liquor shelf

Addiction intertwines emotional, physical, and psychological elements, creating a complex tapestry unique to each individual. The path to recovery isn’t a straight line; it’s filled with hurdles and victories. One odd aspect of this journey is experiencing a relapse during times that seem positive or stable. It’s important to understand why these setbacks can occur […]

3 Key Differences Between Amphetamine and Methamphetamine

pills and powder

Amphetamine and methamphetamine are both Schedule II controlled substances in the US, falling under the category of central nervous system stimulants. However, this often leads to grouping them together without comparing their important differences. Amphetamine is a popular and legal drug used in various prescription medications, while methamphetamine is a dangerous and illicit street drug […]

Can Alcoholics Ever Drink Again?

For individuals who’ve been able to beat their drinking dependency, one question they and many of their loved ones ask is, “Can alcoholics ever drink again?”

Overcoming any form of addiction is a huge achievement that should be celebrated. For individuals who’ve been able to beat their drinking dependency, one question they and many of their loved ones ask is, “Can alcoholics ever drink again?” This is an understandable question for both parties. Much of our social engagements involve places where […]

Everything You Should Know About Speed Addicts (Stimulant Addiction)

“Speed” is a term that is commonly used for stimulant drugs, especially amphetamine and methamphetamine.

“Speed” is a term that is commonly used for stimulant drugs, especially amphetamine and methamphetamine. These substances are known for significantly increasing alertness, attention, and energy. However, the use of speed carries with it substantial risks and a high potential for addiction. Speed addiction has become a growing concern. It affects individuals across various demographics […]

PHP Vs IOP: 16 Pros & Cons You Should Know

While both partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs are great routes to take on the journey of addiction recovery, they differ in structure and intensity.

Can the journey to recovery have multiple roads? Yes, it can. Recovery is not a “one-size-fits-all” process. Today we focus on two types of addiction treatment: partial hospitalization programs (PHP) and intensive outpatient programs (IOP). Each of these paths offers distinct features and meets different recovery needs. Let’s unpack what these programs involve, their special […]

Cocaine And Xanax: Difference, Uses, & Effects of Mixing

To the average reader, cocaine and Xanax might sound like two drugs with very different effects, one notably used at parties, clubs, and social scenes, and the other used on a more personal level by individuals struggling with anxiety and panic disorders.

To the average reader, cocaine and Xanax might sound like two drugs with very different effects, one notably used at parties, clubs, and social scenes, and the other used on a more personal level by individuals struggling with anxiety and panic disorders. Upon further examination, cocaine stands out as the most abused stimulant in the […]

What Is In Crank? 5 Dangerous Additives & More

“Crank” is a street name for methamphetamine, a chemically synthesized stimulant.

If you want to know what is in crank, this article is for you. This short but informative blog is perfect for individuals who are familiar with methamphetamine and those who have zero experience with it. You’ll learn what crank is, what’s usually added to crank, the difference between crank and meth, the short and […]

Differences Between Facial & Abdominal Coke Bloat

While facial puffiness and occasional bloating aren’t serious medical conditions, experiencing frequent and consistent coke bloat probably accompanies other side effects, including addiction.

If you’ve heard the term coke bloat, you might think of a bloated stomach after drinking too much soda or eating a large meal. You’ll be surprised to learn that coke bloat refers to two strange but somewhat common side effects of cocaine abuse. This article explains everything you need to know about coke bloat, […]

7 Reasons Why Smoking Weed Can Cause Acne

THC convinces’ the mind it’s hungry, even if someone has already eaten a full meal. This usually leads to constant snacking, and taste buds can feel drawn to soda, cake, chips, ice cream, cookies, and anything else with high amounts of sugar and carbohydrates.

If you smoke weed and have acne, chances are you’re a teenager or young adult. While earlier years of puberty involve growth spurts, body hair, and hormonal changes, one thing that tends to follow teens into their 20s is acne. 85% of people aged 12 – 24 in the U.S. have acne. And that can […]

Why You Should Avoid Fish Scale Coke

If someone tries to sell you "fish scale coke," that’s shiny or iridescent, chances are something was added to achieve that specific look.

If you’ve never heard of fish scale coke, this article is for you. Cocaine can take many forms, and most people aren’t sure how pure the cocaine they just bought from their dealer really is. Some people don’t care what’s been added to their cocaine as long as it gets them high. However, long-term cocaine […]